Featured Speaker: Mary Anne Richey

About Mary Anne Richey

School Psychologist
Mary Anne Richey is a Licensed School Psychologist in private practice in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, focused on identifying and supporting students with ADHD and learning disabilities and their families. She has a wide range of public school experience ranging from teaching to administration in elementary, middle, high school, and college settings. She was selected Florida School Psychologist of the Year for 2012. She has spoken at national and international conferences on ADHD, Executive Functioning Difficulties, and Learning Disabilities. Her passion is helping parents understand research on ADHD and how they can best support their children to use their strengths and shore up weaknesses that might present them from using those strengths. She has co-authored five books on ADHD and executive functioning difficulties, including Raising Boys with ADHD; Raising Girls with ADHD; The Impulsive, Disorganized Child; Stressed Out!- Solutions to Help Your Child Manage and Overcome Stress; and The ADHD Empowerment Guide: Identifying Your Child’s Strengths and Unlocking Potential and is the author on the second edition of Raising Boys with ADHD released in 2021 and the second edition of Raising Girls with ADHD to be released in May 2024.


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Mary Anne's Gift

About Mary Anne Richey

Mary Anne Richey is a Licensed School Psychologist in private practice in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, focused on identifying and supporting students with ADHD and learning disabilities and their families. She has a wide range of public school experience ranging from teaching to administration in elementary, middle, high school, and college settings. She was selected Florida School Psychologist of the Year for 2012. She has spoken at national and international conferences on ADHD, Executive Functioning Difficulties, and Learning Disabilities. Her passion is helping parents understand research on ADHD and how they can best support their children to use their strengths and shore up weaknesses that might present them from using those strengths. She has co-authored five books on ADHD and executive functioning difficulties, including Raising Boys with ADHD; Raising Girls with ADHD; The Impulsive, Disorganized Child; Stressed Out!- Solutions to Help Your Child Manage and Overcome Stress; and The ADHD Empowerment Guide: Identifying Your Child’s Strengths and Unlocking Potential and is the author on the second edition of Raising Boys with ADHD released in 2021 and the second edition of Raising Girls with ADHD to be released in May 2024.
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