Featured Speaker: Dr. Victoria Waller
About Dr. Victoria Waller
For over 40 years I have been a reading specialist and educational therapist teaching children ages 5-12 who have difficulty reading and writing, can’t sit still in class, and don’t feel like they can participate-children whom teachers have all but given up on.
My book, Yes! Your Child Can Creating Success for Children with Learning Differences was a finalist in the ForwordReviews Best Book of the Year 2022. Every child CAN succeed in school and life, but some children need more help than others. I have taught many children to read and write using their passions and strengths.
I hold a B.S. in Education from Wayne State University, an M.Ed. as a certified reading specialist, and an Ed.D. focusing on reading and learning differences from the University of Cincinnati.
I have been awarded the University of Cincinnati’s Distinguished Alumna College of Education Award and was one of the finalists for the Los Angeles Music Center’s Bravo Award for Outstanding Teaching.
My articles on creative reading and writing projects for children have been widely viewed and I have spoken about learning differences to many groups all over the United States. Since the book has been published I have been on over 60 podcasts including Japan, Ireland, and Australia and 7 TV shows.
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Dr. Victoria's Gift
About Dr. Victoria Waller
For over 40 years I have been a reading specialist and educational therapist teaching children ages 5-12 who have difficulty reading and writing, can’t sit still in class, and don’t feel like they can participate-children whom teachers have all but given up on.
My book, Yes! Your Child Can Creating Success for Children with Learning Differences was a finalist in the ForwordReviews Best Book of the Year 2022. Every child CAN succeed in school and life, but some children need more help than others. I have taught many children to read and write using their passions and strengths.
I hold a B.S. in Education from Wayne State University, an M.Ed. as a certified reading specialist, and an Ed.D. focusing on reading and learning differences from the University of Cincinnati.
I have been awarded the University of Cincinnati’s Distinguished Alumna College of Education Award and was one of the finalists for the Los Angeles Music Center’s Bravo Award for Outstanding Teaching.
My articles on creative reading and writing projects for children have been widely viewed and I have spoken about learning differences to many groups all over the United States. Since the book has been published I have been on over 60 podcasts including Japan, Ireland, and Australia and 7 TV shows.
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